Maybe worse. Who knows, she's still growing.
Among the many antics she gets herself into, chewing is her top priority. She chews anything that would fit in her mouth. Gum. A piece of Frisbee. Shin Guards. A large rawhide would last 3 days before it would vanish in thin air. If it weren't for the splinter on her lip, she wouldn't have stopped chewing on our furniture. She has also managed to chew on all my sandals before Christmas, giving Brad the perfect opportunity to buy me six new pair of shoes :D
The best part is when she chooses one out of a pair leaving the other unharmed.
hmmm... left or right?
One beautiful day my neighbor called me with a muffled laugh and said "um, Kathy, I think Meatball ran outside with your bra." Movie fans, sounds familiar?
Another time, she started her very own top soil business right in front of our door. Now, we don't keep any plants on our porch. Just last week, Brad came home to a clay covered Meatball. As he forewarned me about her appearance and the giant red paw prints on our stairway, he hadn't the slightest idea on where or how she ended up that way. Before the day was over, Brad had solved the mystery. Our poor neighbors came home to this...
Sorry Glen and Lindsay.
And while I am in the subject of deep remorse, I would also like to apologize to the Church of Latter Day Saints for interrupting your baptismal ceremony at Wing beach. *blush*
I was packing our things after a day at the beach, when Meatball decided to acquaint herself with one of the girls from the congregation. The little girl was trying to run away from her, while Meatball thinking "PlayTime!" The ceremoney came to a complete stop as they heard little shrieks of help from the girl. As I was running to resue her, Meatball thought I came to join in the fun. You could imagine how much chasing I had to do with a wet sandy dog.
give her away! um, i mean...patience!
lol Meatball is so funny! Attention getter may I add.
You want her? j/kiddin
She is funny with non-stop energy.
It's great to hear this from you! When I got Gobi, my yellow lab, I was told by other lab owners that the puppy-ish behavior of labs often last into their fourth and fifth years. I learned that it was often even moreso for yellows than blacks, and yet again moreso for chocolates than yellows. All I can say is good luck, remember what the dog whisperer says-(IDK what he says I'm just saying)and love!
The chewing stops after a while.
I see she got your "Jesus" sandles...hahaha! Thank goodness! Good job meatball!
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