Tuesday, February 5, 2008

random thoughts

I am wasting energy worrying over things I cannot control.
Is this a pathway to insanity?


Angelo Villagomez said...

Are you dwelling over the Superbowl, too?

There's always next year.

Brad Ruszala said...

...are you really? tell me more...

Saipan Kat said...

It was an exhilarating game, I actually watched most of it! Although last year I gambled a couple of dollars or it could've been one.

To name a few... terrorism, famine, poverty, pollution, lawlessness, owning a big dog...

Angelo Villagomez said...

There is no terrorism threat.

How about the situation in Darfur? Why are you so heartless as to not put them on your short list?

Saipan Kat said...

...because Angelo I don't need to look as far as western Sudan to find a state of humanitarian emergency I just have to listen to people scrutinize the Philippines and I’ll feel helpless again.

Brad Ruszala said...

i love reggae!

Angelo Villagomez said...

Who would criticize the PI? It is the second greatest country in the world, after Korea.